A hot flashes is a condition when your body suddenly feels warmth. In some cases, it can cause mild to severe sweating. These are more common in women but can also occur in men. the condition or symptom has different severity and can be long-lasting.
Some hot flashes pass out after a few seconds, while a long one may last more than 10 minutes. On average, it lasts about four to five minutes. They are common in cancer patients and cancer survivors.
You need to learn how bad (severe) your symptoms are.
How bad are my hot flashes?
Mild: The symptoms include tingling in the fingers, warm skin, red face, or flushed sweating, especially in the upper body.
Moderate: You may experience fast heartbeat, anxiety, headache, dizziness, chills and flushed cheeks. It can limit your instrumental activities of daily life (preparing meals, managing money, shopping, doing housework, and using the telephone).
Severe: If the condition or the symptom affects your nighttime sleep or self-care activities of daily life, consider seeing your doctor. Self-care activities of daily life include eating, dressing, getting into or out of a bed or chair, taking a bath or shower, and using the toilet.
Keep track of your symptoms using Ankr (myAnkr web portal or the Ankr app). It will help you describe the problem to your doctor or nurse.
Supportive care for hot flashes
- Open windows and keep fans running to get air moving through your home.
- Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing.
- Try breathing deeply and slowly to help reduce symptoms.
- Relaxation techniques or stress reduction. Try to decrease stress and anxiety.
- During hypnosis, a therapist can help you relax and focus on feeling cool.
- Hypnosis also may help you lower your heart rate, lessen stress, and balance your body temperature.
- Acupuncture can help with hot flashes.
What caused my hot flashes?
- Certain types of cancer treatments
- Certain types of medicines (opioids, steroids)
- Hormone therapy for breast cancer
- Infection
- Anxiety
- Caffeine intake
- Tumors
- Smoking
- Eating disorders
How can Ankr help with your hot flashes?
Don’t try to treat a hot flash by yourself. Use Ankr to:
(1) learn about the common complications of hot flashes
(2) send message to your Doctor if they use Ankr platform*
(3) be better informed about how to prevent another hot flash